Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Purpose of Life

It's so complicated, why must it be this hard!. What is it trying to teach us, what do you want us to learn!?. Why must you torment, torture, drag us through the mud. IS it really supposed to be like this!
Have you ever shouted at LIFE

 I'm losing my mind!

Is life a test, battle or conquest?. Is it something to fear or greet with arms wide open.
Here's a thought. If a dog lives into old age, it has lived an accomplished life. It has done what "Successful" dogs do. It has dug holes, stuck it's head out the moving car's window taking in the smell of nature. Chased cats, lizards and whatever else it can chase. And became our protectors and best friend. Dogs can pretty much retire having lived an accomplished life. It's the same for a cat.
I owe it to all those who supported me and...
They have ignored you, came to you only when they needed you and made you felt alone most of the time. Yep, that's the meaning of success in Catville.
But is it so for humans?. If we lived to the age of 113 years, were we successful? Did we reach the edges of our potential, were we accomplished?. Maybe yes, maybe no, because life is so complicated. Whereas cats and dogs are born with their purposes and life goals in their genes, we are not so lucky. We do not receive a blueprint, not even a hint.

WHAT is the purpose of life?

Ask yourself this question-
Am I doing what I planned to do with my life, am I on the right track?
If you're not, then you had better get on it, because the purpose of life is simple.

The Purpose of life....is to live a life of Purpose.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Your Success

The life you deserve

We all want it, no matter who we are, where we live. Everyone craves it, the life that we deserve.

But what life do we really deserve, is it the life we're dreaming of?. Does everyone deserve the same thing?. How do you know if you deserve it?. Nice house, luxury cars, supermodels, freedom. Just because you want it, doesn't mean you deserve it.
We have to assess our lives, because what you deserve is on par with what you do, your character. The smart and hard-working are the ones who get the life.
Sit down and think about what you want out of life, where you want to see yourself in 5, 10, 15 years. Figure out the steps necessary to get there, give each step an accomplishing date and place your chart somewhere you'll see it everyday. You can have the life you want, you just have to work at it. Those years will seem like they're far away, but that time WILL pass you and "it will feel like only yesterday". It's what I call "the life trap". You're unknowingly going about with the hustle and bustle of everyday life then you wake up and 15 years has past. And you're sitting there wondering where has the time gone and what do you have to show for it.
You have to plant the seeds now, so you can enjoy the fruits of life later.